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时间:2023-05-26 18:41:17    来源 : 经济日报




以出货价格为准,三星电子的市场占有率达32.1%,位列第一;LG电子市场占有率为17.1%,位列第二;中国品牌TCL与海信分别以9.9%和9.3%的市场占有率位列第三、四位。 今年以来,全球经济依然受地缘政治冲突、高通胀以及美国持续加息等方面的影响,充满不确定性。在此大背景下,电视行业仍处于低迷阶段并不意外。此外,居民消费能力尚未完全恢复,对于采购大件耐用产品依然保持谨慎态度。并且新兴投影市场的崛起,也在一定程度上抵消了部分年轻用户购买电视的意愿。种种原因导致一季度电视出货不仅未能提振,而且与2021年、2022年相比,困境愈发凸显。 业内专家指出,虽然数据上差强人意,但电视产品破局的方向更为清晰。随着电视智能化程度不断提升,高端化、智能化革新也许能带领电视行业突出重围,电视行业还应在技术上下大功夫。



Fund Manager Amundi Shifts Assets from US to China


Europe’s largest asset manager Amundi is moving out of US assets in favour of China, attracted by the country’s brighter economic prospects, better valuations and a more benign outlook for inflation, the Financial Times website reported. 报道称,东方汇理资产管理公司管理着2.1万亿欧元(1欧元约合7.58元人民币)的资产。该公司首席投资官文森特·莫尔捷认为,人们对中国信贷和优质公司的估值被计入了“太多的风险”,而在美国经济面临衰退的背景下,对美国市场的估计则“过于乐观”。 Vincent Mortier, chief investment officer of the Paris-based fund firm, which has €2.1tn in assets, thinks “too much risk” is priced into Chinese credit and high-quality companies, while markets in the US are “too optimistic” as a recession looms. 莫尔捷在接受《金融时报》采访时表示:“我们在(资产)配置上已明显从西方转向东方。”他预计,美国经济明年将不会增长,而中国、印度和印尼将分别增长5%至6%。 “In our allocations we have made a clear shift from west to east,” Mortier said in an interview with the Financial Times, predicting that the US economy will not grow next year while China, India and Indonesia will each grow by 5 to 6 per cent. 报道称,东方汇理过去12个月里一直在逐渐增加对中国和印度的资产配置,今年以来还在加快推进这一行动。 Amundi has been gradually increasing its allocation to China and India over the past 12 months, and has accelerated the move this year. 安捷伦在ACCSI 2023上展示移动端服务矩阵

Agilent Showcases Mobile Services at ACCSI 2023

安捷伦科技公司近日在第十六届中国科学仪器发展年会(ACCSI 2023)上重点展示公司于近期组建完成的移动端服务矩阵。

Agilent Technologies showcased its new mobile services at the recent 16th Annual Conference of China Scientific Instruments (ACCSI 2023) in Beijing. 这套服务矩阵由“安捷伦微商城”、“安捷伦售后服务在中国”和“安捷伦微学堂” 三款微信小程序组成,覆盖了“售前咨询-在线订单-售后支持”全生命周期的客户服务流程。 The services include 3 WeChat mini Apps: Agilent Mobile E-Store, Agilent After-Sales Services in China, and Agilent WeChat Learning. Together, they cover the entire lifecycle of customer services from making pre-sales inquiries to placing orders online and getting after-sales support. 安捷伦表示,移动端服务生态矩阵可为年轻用户群体带来简便的入口,助力提高和加快他们实验室研究的效率和成果转化。 According to Agilent, the mobile services can provide a convenient gateway for young customers and help to increase the efficiency of their lab research and accelerate the conversion of their research results. 通过移动端,也能让中小型和初创型企业对于供应商快速响应和提供服务支持的需求得到满足。 Meanwhile, the mobile services can also meet the need of SMBs and startups who require quick responses and provide services and support for them, from their suppliers. 安捷伦副总裁兼大中华区业务总经理杨挺表示,安捷伦致力于不断优化业务结构和完善服务客户,以强化本地化策略。公司将持续完善这套矩阵的功能,从而满足客户日益增长的需求。 Yang Ting, Agilent Global Vice President, and General Manager of Greater China Commercial Organization, says that Agilent is committed to optimizing its business structure and improving customer services on an ongoing basis in an effort to enhance its local strategy. He says that the company will continue to improve the mobile services, so as to meet the growing needs of customers. 来源/经济日报微信 主播 /刘畅 双语/朱琳 编辑/翟子豪 本文内容系原创,转载请注明来源。



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